Client: Government of Yukon, Highways & Public Works
Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Project: Transportation Asset Management Framework Initiative
IDS was commissioned by the Transportation Division of Yukon’s Highways & Public Works to provide technical services to support the asset management initiative and to undertake a review of the Division’s asset management processes.
Yukon’s Transportation Division has undertaken a major initiative to implement innovative processes and technology to implement asset management best practices. An important activity within this initiative is the assessment of the current state of asset management practices in the Division to identify areas where improvements can be made to advance these practices. This activity required the development of a gap analysis tool that emphasizes the key areas relevant to the needs and state of practice in the Division, and to establish goals and priorities towards continuous improvement of organizational practices, performance, and maturity.
This project involved customization of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Gap Analysis Tool, which provides a structured approach to assess maturity of asset management practices in transportation agencies using a hierarchical organization of asset management areas, categories, elements, and criteria. The project also involved the development of a maturity model and an online survey to collect and analyze information pertinent to asset management processes in the Division. The data collected addressed the six main practice areas identified by the AASHTO model, namely, Legislative Compliance, Policy Guidance, Planning & Programming, Program Delivery, Information & Analysis, and Lifecycle Management & TAM. Subsequently, the data was aggregated, analyzed, and summarized to provide insight into current practices, assess maturity of processes using a quantitative scale, and identify gaps and opportunities to improve asset management processes.